Wednesday Night Live Groups

Winter 2025 WNL Sessions (Jan. 15 - Feb. 19)

Our Wednesday Night Live ministry has fall, winter,  and spring sessions each year.  
After enjoying a delicious meal at 5:45 PM in the DCLC, a variety of small group studies are offered weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.
NOTE: For planning purposes, reservations are requested for dinner.    |     $8/adults | $4 / children 11 and younger | $25 / family max

We'd love to have you join us! Find a group from these current options:
Invitation to the New Testament - led by Rev. Charlotte Brendel
Explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as the starting point. This survey of
the New Testament looks at how the early church was shaped by the story of Jesus, and how the
church learned how to develop as disciples to create communities of faith. Participants will find a
deeper conversation with the writers of the New Testament and a renewal of commitment to be
shaped, personally and communally, by the story of Jesus. Weekly video segments by scholars provide
information that will open new understandings and a deeper knowledge of key issues in the text.
This study is accessible for adults with little prior Bible experience.  
It includes a participant book with daily reading assignments for group
preparations and books will be available for purchase.

 Upper Room Weekly Devotion - led by Rev. Eddie Hill

The Upper Room is a daily devotional magazine published in more than 30
languages and 100 countries around the world. The meditations, written by a
variety of laity and clergy, are stories of real people working to live faithfully with
the Bible as their touchstone. The daily devotional guide invites people to listen to
scripture as God’s personal message, linking their stories to God’s story;
commune with God in prayer; see their daily choices and small acts of obedience
as part of God’s work; realize our connection through Christ as a universal family
of believers; and encounter the living Christ and be transformed into Christ’s
likeness. Each week is stand-alone, so drop in anytime.

Upcoming Spring 2025 WNL Sessions

Mark your calendar now for the Spring Sessions: April 30, May 7 and 14  |  Studies TBA
NOTE: WNL will not be scheduled for the same days of our Lenten Lunches on March 12, 19, and 26 and April 2 and 9.