Blessing Plates

A ceramics session Saint Luke style!

Saint Luke's Blessings Plate Crafting

Children, youth, and adults are invited to join us Saturday, March 1, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM, in Rooms 222/224 for this fun family-oriented activity!  A mobile unit from the local ceramics business, Well Glazed, will bring the party to us and we'll design our own blessing plates.

After beginning with a brief time of fellowship and prayer, we'll decorate 10" plates using washable paints. Afterward, each plate will be glazed with a food-safe finish. Your plate design can commemorate special moments and milestones or as a thoughtful gift for someone, along with a meal.

This is the perfect family Saturday morning activity!

COST: $15 per plate (payment required in advance)
TO REGISTER: Please contact Laura in the church office.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Saturday, February 15
QUESTIONS?  Contact Gabby McCalister at (910) 545-2790.